- Structured Public-Private Sector Dialogue: The Experience from Botswana (221k)
Dr. Anthony Land, ECDPM Discussion Paper 37, 2002
Based in part on illuminating interviews with participants, provides a helpful general synopsis of public-private dialogue in Botswana, describes how the current structures for dialogue evolved and how they function, and contains a useful discussion of their respective strengths and weaknesses and lessons that can be learned.
- The Practice of Public Policy Dialogue in Botswana, 1988-2007 (265k)
Elias M. Dewah, Center for International Private Enterprise, Reform Case Study, 2007
This study explores Botswana’s experience with public-private dialogue and identifies key tips and principles that have facilitated democratic dialogue in Botswana. It is of particular interest since the Botswana Confederation of Commerce, Industry, and Manpower (BOCCIM) is one of Africas most successful national business federations. BOCCIMs success stems in large part from its commitment to constructive dialogue with the government.