Video submitted by Senegalese Government, with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit(GIZ) for 2014 Global Workshop.
Senegal’s Small and Medium Enterprise Sector and Public-Private Dialogue
As Senegal’s largest and most representative and well-organized business association, l’Union Nationale des Commerçants et Industriels du Senegal (UNACOIS) has played a significant role in the country’s policymaking process in recent years. This case study identifies two key achievements. First, the Senegalese government adopted the association’s recommendations to reform the national tax code, Le Code General des Impots du Senegal, which established a more uniform, equitable, and proportional tax code for the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector. Second, UNACOIS worked with the Ministers of Tax and Customs, Commerce and Industry and the Prime Minister to establish a mechanism for regular public-private dialogue on issues related to the SME sector, economic development, and food security challenges.