ANNEX B1: Template for completing diagnostic report and checklists
On the following pages you will find a standard template for completing the diagnostic mapping tool report outlined in Part A, followed with checklists of questions to answer in each section for ease of reference.
1. General assessment of the investment climate, based on desk research.
(Target length: 500 words)
2. Assess the private sector, addressing the issues raised in the checklist.
(Target length: 500 words)
3. Map intermediary organizations – roles, importance, strengths and weaknesses
Intermediary | Mandate | Membership type and size | Strengths and accomplishments | Weaknesses | Contact information |
4. Map the public sector agencies that are relevant to private sector development
Department or program | Jurisdiction and audience | Strengths and accomplishments | Weaknesses | Contact information |
5. Assess the attitudes of civil society, addressing the issues raised in the checklist.
(Target length: 500 words)
6. Stakeholder analysis and recommendations, if required by project brief.
(Target length: 2000 words)