ANNEX D1: Sample structure for terms of reference for a PPD evaluation
ANNEX D1: Sample structure for terms of reference for a PPD evaluation
1. Background
Describe the relationship between the organization(s) commissioning the evaluation and the project to be evaluated. Describe the project, including its location, main objectives, target groups and organizational context. Indicate assistance provided by donors and other sources, main results achieved, and core elements of the project’s approach. Describe the reasons for the evaluation.
2. Objectives
Define the objectives of the evaluation. Be aware of …
ANNEX D2: Most Significant Change interviews Interview format
ANNEX D2: Most Significant Change interviews – Interview format
While conducting interviews and trying to gather information of the Most Significant Change, make
sure to follow the following guidelines:
1. Explain clearly to the stakeholder the area of change under review, e.g. the evaluation of PPD in a locality.
2. Explain clearly the period under investigation. This should preferably be more than a year, to give time for consequences of change to have emerged.
3. Ask a few open questions. Examples include:
ANNEX D3: Most Significant Change interviews Interview template
ANNEX D3: Most Significant Change interviews – Interview template
Contact details:………………………………..
Date of interview:………………………………..
Most Significant Change interview | |||
ANNEX D5: Evaluation wheel questionnaire to stakeholdersANNEX D5: Evaluation wheel – questionnaire to stakeholders Please give your personal opinion on each question, expressing your answer on a scale of 0 to 5. If you are not well informed enough to offer an opinion, please score 0.