ANNEX D1: Sample structure for terms of reference for a PPD evaluation
1. Background
Describe the relationship between the organization(s) commissioning the evaluation and the project to be evaluated. Describe the project, including its location, main objectives, target groups and organizational context. Indicate assistance provided by donors and other sources, main results achieved, and core elements of the project’s approach. Describe the reasons for the evaluation.
2. Objectives
Define the objectives of the evaluation. Be aware of the danger of confusing the objectives of the study with the objectives of the project to be studied.
3. Methodology
Include necessary technology, timing, organization, etc. Concentrate on the essentials, giving scope to the consultant to make use of their own experience, expertise and creativity.
4. Scope
Define the size of the focus, in terms of sample size and/or time available. Specify types of expert that will be required and how much time will be needed from each. Break down the time expected to be taken by preparation, study and reporting. Indicate which posts are expected to be filled by local evaluators and which by international evaluators.
When the evaluation is intended to feed into a larger evaluation, specify the relationship of the two. Often it is helpful to indicate the type of conclusions or recommendations expected.
5. Deliverables
Specify dates when an intermediate report should be ready, the number of draft reports to be presented and the dates on which this should be done, and the date on which the final report should be ready. Specify how many reports will be delivered to which parties and in which languages. This might include a table of contents and an indication of page count.
If necessary, specify any other deliverables – final or intermediate –such as briefing and debriefing meetings, or presentation of preliminary findings at the end of the stay of the mission team.
6. Support
Specify support services that will be available – data, reports, transportation, equipment and staff.
7. Competencies
Specify competencies required for each consultant, preferably identifying knowledge-based, experience based and behavioral competencies. If a team of consultants is sought, this section could also specify a required mix of gender, ethnicity or local and international consultants.
8. Budget
Budgets are not always specified as they may be confidential. But budget items relevant for consultants should be specified, such as allowances for travel or communication costs.
9. Bibliography
Indicate relevant available documentation and where it can be obtained.
Sample structure for terms of reference for a PPD evaluation