ANNEX D2: Most Significant Change interviews – Interview format
While conducting interviews and trying to gather information of the Most Significant Change, make
sure to follow the following guidelines:
1. Explain clearly to the stakeholder the area of change under review, e.g. the evaluation of PPD in a locality.
2. Explain clearly the period under investigation. This should preferably be more than a year, to give time for consequences of change to have emerged.
3. Ask a few open questions. Examples include:
between public, private and civil organizations? Please give only one example.
Examples given by the respondent do not need to be directly related to the PPD.
4. Ask follow-up questions on each example, as appropriate. For instance:
should be involved?
5. Ask for proof or references that can be consulted to verify the change described by the participation, if appropriate.
6. Give your own assessment of the importance and coherence of the change described, and give an order of priority to the examples for further use in the evaluation process.